Become a Partner

Why Partner with Cornwall Pride?

Cornwall Pride is a Charity with the ethos and mission to create a cohesive, accepting and welcoming place for everyone.

Rather than Pride just saying Pride, we want Cornwall as a Duchy to shine within the country as an accepting, welcoming place to visit, work and live, no matter what your background.  We have built a charity that has clear defined characteristics of why Cornwall makes our Pride special and enthuses people to take ownership within their own communities in our amazing Duchy.

The support for Cornwall Pride needs to be reflected in Cornwall’s own values and recognised for the important part it plays within Cornwall, Highlighting the huge positive effect that Cornwall Pride has within the LGBTQ+ communities as well as the wider community, building a safer integrated community.

Your organisation could be part of the most forward thinking Pride in the UK, an inclusive organisation that respects all members of the community, and values everyone’s involvement.

What are the benefits of Partnering with us?

Cornwall Pride is a well established organisation, not only with the calendar of events it hold each year, but from support of the people from around the entire Duchy we are embedded across the entire LGBTQ+ community here in Cornwall.

Although fun for all is a goal for Cornwall Pride, there is also a very serious message and funds which need to be raised to start and continue the support of education, dedicated mental health support, creative development, as well as celebrating the great Duchy of Cornwall and all the diverse range of inclusive employers and support that are available.

Your organisation could benefit from:

  • Evidencing your corporate social responsibilities as a leader within the community.
  • Confirming your organisation’s commitment Equality and Diversity to LGBTQ+ and wider communities
  • Promoting your organisation’s values in eliminating discrimination
  • Promote your organisation’s understanding of respect for all
  • There are opportunities to support Cornwall Pride 365 days a year
  • Making a direct difference to the LGBTQ+ and wider communities

How can you Partner / Sponsor us?

There are many ways in which you can Partner / Sponsor us, and we are sure that no matter how big or small your organisation is, we will be able to facilitate an amazing and exciting opportunity to work with Cornwall Pride.

If you would like to discuss Partner / Sponsor opportunities, please complete the form and a member of the team will be in touch to discuss how we can work together.

Partner Pack Request Form

Watson Marlow's partner stall at Pride in Falmouth 2022
Transport For Cornwall
St Austell Brewery
Penwith College
Cornwall Council
Kernow Coatings
Falmouth University
Chaos Group

Official Cornwall Pride Partners