Understanding and Countering Hate Crimes and Incidents

Understanding and challenging hate crimes and incidents is an essential part of creating an inclusive, safe, and thriving society. While we all strive for such a world, it's crucial to know the forms that hate crimes can take, especially as they impact the LGBTQIA+ community, and the strategies for addressing them. Using the toolkit provided by the Devon and Cornwall Police, this article aims to shed light on these critical aspects. Please note, this article discusses topics that some may find distressing.

What are Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents?

Hate crimes and incidents are acts committed against someone due to their perceived difference, including, but not limited to, their sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other characteristic associated with the LGBTQIA+ community. It could be a physical attack, verbal abuse, online harassment, or damage to property. A hate crime becomes a criminal act when it breaches the law, while a hate incident can feel just as harmful but doesn't always constitute a criminal offence. Both are equally serious and deserve attention.


Spotting Hate Crimes and Incidents

Recognizing hate crimes and incidents is the first step towards combating them. They often manifest as:

1. Verbal abuse, including name-calling, offensive jokes, or insults.
2. Physical attacks, such as hitting, punching, or any other kind of violence.
3. Threats of violence directed towards you or someone else.
4. Online harassment, including cyberbullying, spreading hateful messages or images.
5. Damaging or stealing someone's property because of their identity.

If you feel targeted due to your identity, it's likely that you're experiencing a hate crime or incident.


Responding to Hate Crimes and Incidents

If you've experienced or witnessed a hate crime or incident:

1. **Ensure Safety**: Your safety and well-being come first. If you're in immediate danger, always call 999.
2. **Record Details**: If possible, write down all the details you can remember about the event, including descriptions of the perpetrator(s), their vehicle(s), and any witnesses. This can support any future investigations.
3. **Report the Incident**: No matter how minor it may seem, it's important to report the incident. 


The Importance of Reporting

Reporting hate crimes or incidents, regardless of their severity, is vital. It helps the police understand the extent of hate crime in your area, allowing them to allocate resources appropriately and implement effective preventative measures. Every report contributes to a more accurate picture of hate crimes and incidents, ultimately leading to a safer community.

Remember, your voice matters. If a crime goes unreported, it remains invisible, and invisible problems are hard to solve. 


Seeking Support

The aftermath of a hate crime or incident can be emotionally challenging. You're not alone. Several support services are available for you, including Intercom Trust, Victim Support, and Stop Hate UK. These organisations provide confidential advice, support, and counselling to those affected by hate crimes and incidents.

At the heart of all these measures is the belief in a Cornwall that is safe, inclusive, and respectful for all. No one should have to live in fear because of who they are. Let's stand together against hate, because in unity, there is strength.

Remember, the LGBTQIA+ community in Cornwall is a vibrant, integral part of our society, deserving of the same respect, safety, and dignity as anyone else. Together, we can make our corner of the world a little brighter and a lot more accepting.


The Role of Third Party Reporting Partners

Third-party reporting partners, like Cornwall Pride, play an instrumental role in building a comprehensive picture of hate crimes and hate incidents. They provide an essential avenue for reporting, particularly for those who may feel uncomfortable or unsafe directly engaging with the police. Here are several reasons why these partners are useful:


Accessibility and Trust

For various reasons, including past negative experiences or fears of discrimination, some individuals may hesitate to report hate crimes or incidents directly to the police. In such situations, third-party reporting partners like Cornwall Pride provide an accessible and trusted option for these individuals.  Cornwall Pride is well-positioned to understand and empathise with the experiences and concerns of those affected.



Third-party reporting centres often offer an additional layer of anonymity, which can be reassuring for victims who are concerned about their privacy. The choice to remain anonymous can increase the likelihood of incidents being reported, helping to bring more hate crimes to light.


Support and Advocacy

Third-party reporting partners not only facilitate reporting, but they also provide emotional support and advice to victims. They may offer counselling services, guidance through the reporting process, and advocacy to ensure victims' rights are upheld. They can act as a bridge between the victim and the police, providing communication and assistance.


Community Education and Prevention

Organisations like Cornwall Pride are deeply embedded in their communities and have the advantage of understanding community-specific issues. They can provide education and awareness around hate crimes, helping to prevent these incidents and fostering a more inclusive environment.


Building a Comprehensive Picture

By fostering a supportive and secure environment for reporting, third-party partners enable more incidents to be documented. This leads to a more accurate understanding of the scale and nature of hate crimes and incidents within the community, which is crucial for effective resource allocation, policy making, and preventive measures.

Third-party reporting partners like Cornwall Pride are a significant part of the hate crime and hate incident reporting framework. They enhance accessibility, ensure confidentiality, provide support, foster education, and contribute to building a comprehensive picture of hate crime prevalence. By doing so, they help foster a safer, more inclusive society.

Transport For Cornwall
St Austell Brewery
Cornwall Council
Devon and Cornwall Police
Truro College
NHS Cornwall Partnership

Official Cornwall Pride Partners