The Haven Integrated Health Centre offers health and emotional well-being support to Budehaven students through individual consultations.
The Haven Integrated Health Centre offers health and emotional well-being support to Budehaven students through individual consultations. The Haven opens daily from 8.30 a.m. until 3.30 p.m. during term time. Students can ask for help and support via email or via their year group pastoral support team and an appointment will be arranged where appropriate.
The Haven can put you in touch with an appropriate professional to help with a range of issues, such as gender identity, drugs and alcohol, bereavement, sexual health or provide signposting to other relevant services or contacts.
Open to all students and their parents! The Haven is located in the bungalow next to the 6th Form Common Room.
Parents are welcome to contact the Haven by phoning.
Please help us deliver essential support services for LGBTQ+ communities in Cornwall
We rely on donations, partner organisations and fundraising at Pride events to operate our support services. Thank you.
Cornwall Pride is a registered charity. 1191003