
Galop works with LGBTQ+ people who have experienced abuse and violence.

Galop Logo

Galop works with LGBTQ+ people who have experienced abuse and violence. They provide advocacy services nationally, for LGBTQ+ victims, specialising in supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, honour-based abuse, forced marriage, and so-called conversion therapies. They are run by LGBTQ+ people, for LGBTQ+ people.

 Services are: 

LGBTQ+ victims & survivors of domestic abuse

0800 999 5428


LGBTQ+ people who have experienced hate crime

020 7704 2040


LGBTQ+ victims & survivors of conversion therapies

0800 130 3335

St Austell Brewery
St Austell Bid
Cornwall Council
Truro City Council
Falmouth Town Council
Out and Wild

Official Cornwall Pride Partners